Movement XII – Embark on a cosmic journey with Movement XII, an abstract rendition of a celestial panorama. This mesmerizing piece masterfully weaves a visual narrative of the boundless universe and the warmth of the sun in a solitary canvas. Starting with a blanket of profound dark blue, the palette then delicately shifts into a serene light blue, emulating the awe-inspiring expanses of outer space. The journey concludes on a note of tranquil dirty white, grounding the cosmic voyage in serene earthliness. Like a stolen glimpse of the heavenly bodies’ dance, Movement XII is a homage to the infinite allure of the cosmos. Welcome this piece into your space to unlock a window to the universe’s magnificent ballet, right in the comfort of your home.
Embrace a vibrant array of emotions with the Color Fields Collection. Inspired by an American painter Rothko, this ensemble of artworks by Irena Orlov depicts a symphony of colors, each expressing a unique sentiment. Named Movement I to XIII, each piece illustrates a halo of hues that seem to flow in unison, akin to emotions transitioning in the vast canvas of life. This collection takes you on a journey through an artistic spectrum, where each hue narrates an emotional tale.
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